The Witcher 3 Killer Whale

The Witcher 3 Killer Whale

But my daughter did. And both of us were all too ready to believe that the sentiment that “captivity has been a catastrophe for most killer ...
The Witcher Wild At Heart

The Witcher Wild At Heart

More treats are filtering through the grapevine about the upcoming The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt expansion Hearts of Stone that will hit the shel...

The Witcher 3 Killing Monsters

A teaser trailer for The Witcher 3’s first story add-on has just been released This includes ‘new characters, powerful monsters, unique rom...
The Witcher Wandering In The Dark

The Witcher Wandering In The Dark

CD Projekt Red (CDPR) released The Witcher 3 New Game Plus last month as the final DLC Rise Of The Tomb Raider To Remain S 5. Dark Souls II...