The Witcher Romance

The Witcher Romance

The Witcher 3 is getting two major story expansions and the first This includes ‘new characters, powerful monsters, unique romance, and a b...
The Witcher 3 Forefathers Eve

The Witcher 3 Forefathers Eve

The Passover eve shootings killed William Corporon "You can become a man or woman your forefathers will be proud of for your bravery....

The Witcher Quen Location

Welcome to The Witcher 3 Place of Power Stones locations guide that helps you find the total of 25 Place of Power ritual stone locations for...
The Witcher 3 Forums

The Witcher 3 Forums

La première des deux extensions annoncées pour The Witcher 3, Hearts of Stone, est toujours prévue sans plus de précisions en octobre. Cepen...

The Witcher Quest A Mysterious Tower

“Next up, a 2D puzzle-platformer where electromagnetic powers are the key to discovering the secrets kept in the long abandoned Tesla Tower....