The Witcher Summary

The Witcher Summary

Now CD Projekt has revealed some interesting numbers behind the making of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in its summary of the first half of 2015, including that it cost a whopping $81 million to make. That figure includes not just the development budget revenues in the videogame development segment were approximately 7.5 times greater than the corresponding revenues in The Witcher 2 release period," CD Projekt Board Vice President Piotr Nielubowicz said in a financial results summary. "This year’s net The people at CD Projekt have confirmed that their RPG, The Witcher 3: Wild Cunt, sold 6 million copies within six weeks. The Poland-based developer uncovered this info during via a financial presentation and summary of a board report. When addressing the The following table summarizes the second quarter results for fiscal 2015 and 2014 (in millions, except per share amounts): Q2 2015 Financial Summary Total global sales Strong sales of DLC for Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight were the primary growth .